Customer Service Policy
RMG strives to provide its services in a manner that respects the dignity and independence of people with disabilities. RMG is committed to giving people with disabilities the same opportunity as others to access and benefit from its services.
The purpose of this policy is to ensure that RMG’s business is accessible to persons with disabilities by identifying, removing and preventing barriers that might interfere with their ability to make use of RMG’s services and facilities.
RMG will use reasonable efforts to ensure that its policies, practices and procedures are consistent with the following principles:
- That RMG’s services are provided in a manner that respects the dignity and independence of persons with disabilities;
- That RMG operates its business such that persons with disabilities will benefit from its services in the same or similarly way as others , and that where integration is not possible, alternative measures will be used to enable a persons with disabilities to obtain, use or benefit from RMG’s services; and
- That persons with disabilities are given an opportunity equal to that given to others to obtain, use or benefit from RMG’s services.
Notice of Temporary Disruptions in Services of Facilities
RMG is aware that the operation of its services and facilities is important to our customers. On occasion, disruptions in RMG’s services and facilities may occur due to reasons that may or may not be within RMG’s control or knowledge.
RMG will make reasonable efforts to provide notice to the public of any disruption in its services and/or facilities, including: information about the reason for the disruption, its anticipated duration and a description of alternative services and/or facilities, if any that may be available. RMG will make reasonable efforts to provide prior notice of any planned disruptions in its services and/or facilities, if possible, recognizing that in some circumstances, including an unplanned temporary disruption, advance notice will not be possible. In such cases, RMG will provide notice as soon as reasonably possible.
When temporary disruptions occur to RMG’s services and/or facilities, RMG will provide notice by posting the information in visible places, or on the company’s website (, or by any other method that may be reasonable under the circumstances as soon as reasonably possible.
Assisted Devices and Measures that Assist with Accessibility
A person with a disability may provide their own assistive device for the purpose of obtaining, using and benefiting from RMG’s services and facilities. Exceptions may occur in situations where RMG has determined that the assistive device may pose a risk to the health and safety of a person with a disability or the health and safety of others on its premises In these situations and others, RMG may offer a person with disability other reasonable measures to assist him or her in obtaining, using and benefiting from RMG’s services and facilities, where RMG has such other measures available.
It is the responsibility of the person with the disability to ensure that his or her assistive device is operated in a safe and controlled manner at all times.
Use of Service Animals and Support Persons
Service Animals
A person with a disability may enter premises owned and/or operated by RMG accompanied by a service animal and keep the animal with them if the public has access to such premises and the animal is not otherwise excluded by law. If a service animal is excluded by law, RMG will ensure that alternate means are available to enable the person with a disability to obtain, use or benefit from RMG’s services and facilities.
If it is not readily apparent that an animal is a service animal, RMG may ask the person with a disability for a letter from a physician or nurse confirming that the person requires the animal for reasons relating to his or her disability. RMG may also, or instead, ask for a valid identification card or certificate of training from a recognized guide dog or service animal training school.
It is the responsibility of the person with disability to ensure that his or her service animal is kept in control at all times. If an employee or any other person on RMG premises has a severe allergy to animals, which could result in health and safety concerns, RMG will make reasonable efforts in the circumstances to meet the needs of all individuals.
Support Persons
A person with a disability may enter premises owned and/or operated by RMG with a support person and have access to the support person while on the premises. RMG may require a person with disability to be accompanied by a support person while on RMG premises in situations where it is necessary to protect the health or safety of the person with a disability or the health and safety of others on the premises. A person with a disability who is accompanied by a support person will have access to his or her support person while on RMG premises.
In situations where the support person will be exposed to confidential information, RMG may require that the support person sign a confidentiality agreement.
Availability of Documents for Customer Service Standard
All documents required by the Accessibility Standards for Customer Service Regulation, including this policy, are available upon request by any customer.
When providing a document to a person with a disability, RMG will provide the document, or the information contained in the document, in a format that properly takes the person’s disability into account.
All documents required by the Accessibility Standards for Customer Service Regulation, including this policy, will be posted on MCAP’s website (
RMG will provide training to its employees, agents, volunteers, and to every other person who deals with members of the public or other third parties on RMG’s behalf (“RMG Staff”), about the provision of RMG’s services to persons with disabilities.
Training will include:
- The purpose and application of this policy;
- A review of the purposes and requirements of the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act;
- A review of the purposes of the purposes and requirements of the Accessibility Standards for Customer Service Regulation;
- How to interact and communicate with persons with various types of disabilities;
- What to do if a person with a disability is having difficulty accessing RMG’s services and/or facilities;
- Instruction on RMG’s policies, procedures and practices pertaining to the provision of services to persons with disabilities;
- How to use equipment or devices available on RMG’s premises, or that is otherwise provided by RMG, to assist with the provision of RMG’s services to persons with disabilities; and
- How to interact with persons with disabilities who use assistive devices or who require the assistance of a support person or service animal.
Training will be provided as soon as practicable to current and new RMG Staff members and whenever changes are made to RMG’s policies, procedures and practices governing the provision of its services to persons with disabilities.
RMG will maintain records of all training conducted pursuant to this policy. These records will include the number of individuals trained and the dates on which the training occurred.
RMG is committed to providing high quality services to all members of the public it serves. Feedback from the public is appreciated as it may identify areas that require change and encourage continuous service improvements, including improvements in the manner in which RMG provides services to persons with disabilities.
Feedback is welcomed and appreciated. Anyone wishing to provide feedback on the manner in which RMG provides goods and services to persons with disabilities may do so by telephone, email or regular mail (including feedback in writing, on disc or otherwise) as follows:
Accessibility Office
RMG Mortgages
Attention: Compliance Officer
200 King Street West, Suite 400
Toronto, Ontario MH5 3T4
Toll Free: 1-800-387-4405
We can arrange for accessible feedback and alternate formats upon request.
Any complaints with respect to this policy will be handled in accordance with MCAP's current complaint management procedures.